Registration OPEN!

After School Bike Camps – Spring

After School Camps are once a week on Fromme Mountain OR in the Seymour Demonstration Forest.

The Ripper, riding in the Demo Forest, are at the earlier stages of their skill building   (5 to 8 years and older)

Riders, taking to the trails on Fromme, The Shore Shredders, have a skill set which allows them to comfortably ride Bobsled and the trails lower than Bobsled.  During their session, they will expand their trail knowledge and climb higher to ride Kirkford, Crinkum Crankum, Leppard or Expresso, based on Coach discretion.   (9 to 13 years and older)

The Extreme Riders, also on Fromme, have many years of riding experience and want to continue to add skills to their knowledge base.  The Extreme Riders will explore all trails on Fromme Mountain.   (9 to 13 years and older)

This after school adventure will leave your rider hungry, tired and ready to chill out for the evening and possibly….. do their homework (sorry, no guarantee)!

The Rippers in the Demonstration Forest

Fromme Mountain



5-13+ yrs.

If my child is the required age for the camp, later in the year, can they still be registered?


As long as your child is the required age within the calendar year, you can register them for the camp.

Program information


Wicked Wednesdays:  

April 6/13/20/27, 2022

May 4/11/18/25/June 1/8/15, 2022

Thrilling Thursdays: 

April 7/14/21/28 , 2022

May 5/12/19/26/June 2/9/16, 2022


Demo Forest:  4-6:00pm
Fromme:  4-6:00pm


The Rippers, Demo Forest

April  – $170 +GST

May & June  –  $300 +GST

The Shore Shredders OR Extreme Riders, Fromme Mountain:

April  – $170 +GST

May & June  – $300 +GST

* Full refunds will be issued if camps are cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations.*



The Rippers, Demo Forest:

A 16″wheel or larger is mandatory

Comfortable starting and stopping, riding in control, riding up and down hills.  There are 3 blocks of road riding to reach the Demo Forest.  

The Shore Shredders, Fromme Mountain:  

A solid skill level to ride Bobsled and Upper Griffen.  This includes riding uphill to Bobsled, a number of times, during the course of each session.  Riders will have already spent time riding the technical trails in the Demo Forest (Richard Juryn and Circuit 8) and have the following:

  • 24″wheel or larger is mandatory
  • full face helmet and leg and arm pads – mandatory
  • Quick release needed for riders’ seat – mandatory
  • ability to use gears and brakes 
  • the use of level pedals 
  • have an understanding that different body positions are used for descent and ascent 
  • realize that a rider needs to go up, before they have the joy associated with going down

Extreme Riders, Fromme Mountain

All the above AND….

  • A 24″ wheel or larger is mandatory
  • full face helmet and leg and arm pads – mandatory
  • Experience with TTFs, riding steep up and down hills, skinnies, ladders, drops and wall rides.  We will continue to build your skills and confidence in these areas. 


Any question about the abilities needed, please call –  604 307 BIKE(2453)


What to Bring

The Obvious – bike and helmet.

The Not So Obvious – a spare tube (mandatory), specific to your wheel circumference, snack, (no nuts please), water and layers, all carried in a backpack by the rider


Can my child always ride with their friend?

We make every effort to keep friends together, but it cannot be guaranteed.

Our groups are created to ensure each rider is kept engaged and in their challenge zone. This creates a cohesive group and a better experience for all the riders.  

The groups are defined by the skills of all the children attending that week.



Your rider will be shredding in all weather, so please dress accordingly.

Drop Off & Pick Up Schedule

The Rippers, Demo Forest:

4pm and 6pm – Upper Lynn Elementary 1540 Coleman St, North Vancouver

The Shore Shredders AND Extreme Riders, Fromme Mountain: 

4pm – Fromme Mtn Parking Lot

Go to the very top of Mountain Hwy. Pass through the yellow gate and follow the gravel road to the hill leading down into the parking lot.  Please meet your Escape Coach at the North end of the parking lot.  

6pm – Upper Lynn Elementary 1540 Coleman St, North Vancouver