What happens if COVID-19 regulations prevent bike camps from running?
Not to worry, full refunds will be issued if camps are cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations.
If my child is the required age for the camp, later in the year, can they still be registered?Yes!
As long as your child is the required age within the calendar year, you can register them for the camp.
How do I register my child for a camp?Online (24 hours/day)
By phone @ 604-307- BIKE (2453)
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Choose a season that you would like your child or you to ride with Escape Adventures
- Spring
- Spring Break
- After school
- Weekends
- Adult
- Summer
- Week long camps offered for 11 weeks from mid-June through August
- Fall
- After school
- Weekends
- Adult
- Choose the appropriate camp determined by your child’s riding ability and age
- Click the LEARN MORE button for all the details
- Click the yellow BOOK NOW button
- In summer, all camps are a week long. Register by clicking on the first day of the week, the start date.
- In Spring and Fall, all camps run once a week, for a number of weeks
- Choose the number of riders you are registering for this camp
- Complete your and your Rider’s information, then emergency contact and credit card details
- Click Complete Booking and receive a confirmation email with all the details related to the camp
- A reminder email will be sent one week prior to the start of the camp
- Another Booking? – at the top right corner, of the registration page, use the “X” to return to Escape Adventures’ website and choose a different camp, for another rider in your family
Which camp is appropriate for my child?Escape Adventures’ camps are based on a child’s skill level – Beginner//Intermediate // Advanced.
- For the beginner rider, or those new to mountain biking, the ideal camp is The Rippers Demo Forest.
- These children are competent riders, but want to ride trails
- On day 1, the children are divided into skill groups, so this will define the difficulty of the trails ridden
- We often have 8 and 9 year olds who are just starting to build their mountain bike skills. This age of rider would also manage in the Survive/Explore/Break The Shore camps
- For the intermediate rider, there are a number of camps to choose from.
- The Rippers, Fromme
- Survive/Explore/Break The Shore
- The Shore Shredders
- All of these children have spent time riding mountain bike trails or feel comfortable on trails with roots and rocks
- Some ride the gentler trails in the Demo Forest and participate in other activities, like rock climbing and the Forest Quest program
- Others ride on Fromme Mountain, where some stay on the lower trails and others build their skills on the more technical trails higher up
- For the advanced rider, there is Extreme Riders.
- These children have been riding mountain bike trails for a number of years
- The trails ridden will be on Fromme Mountain and Seymour Mountain
- These children want to challenge themselves with more technical trails, while they continue to build skills
The Escape Team is happy to discuss which camp is best suited for your child.
Please call 604 307 BIKE (2453) or email info@escapeadventures.ca
What happens if my child doesn't have the required skills for the camp I signed them up for?If your child does not have the skills to be able to ride the terrain for their camp, we will try to fit them into another camp. If we are not able to place them into an appropriate camp, we will not be able to refund your registration fee. Let’s have a discussion and find a solution that will work well for both of us.
My child is still within the age range of the camp that they have taken previously. Is my child going to learn anything more and be challenged?If your child has taken a camp previously and is still within the same age range, they may remain in that camp or may be ready to move to a camp where they ride on more technical trails. Please call us to further discuss options.
On the first day of camp, groups are created based on the skills of the riders present that week. If your child has taken this camp previously, they will likely be in a higher skilled group compared to previous.
The groups are created to keep the riders challenged, learning new skills and exploring new trails. This builds their confidence and grows their passion for mountain biking.
What are the credentials of the Escape Coaching Team?All Escape Coaches have ample riding experience.
They also have the following:
- St. John’s Emergency First Aid Course
- Police Information Check
- character validation with their supplied references
- some coaches have been PMBI (Professional Mountain Bike Instructor) certified
- Training
- minimum of 6+ hours of hands on, practice sessions of how to teach mountain biking
- discussion regarding how to deal with all ages of youth riders
- Training has been conducted by an individual certified as a Professional Mountain Biking Instructor (PMBI), has their Sprockids Instructional Leadership Certificate, has their Level 1, NCCP by Cycling BC and their High Five Certification
Why is there a processing fee added to my total?FareHarbor, the company responsible for managing our registrations, charges a fee for the convenience of registering online.
If you have any questions, please call us at 604 307 2453 or email us, info@escapeadventures.ca.My rider is registered in a camp with a friend, can I ensure they are in the same group?We make an effort to create groups that ensure each rider is kept engaged and in their challenge zone. This ensures cohesiveness and a better experience for all the riders. Groups are dependent on the skills of all children attending the camp that week.
We make ever effort to keep friends together, but it cannot be guaranteed.
Where do the camps take place?Our camps take place on the incredible trails of the North Shore. The Escape Team Coaches take the riders into the Seymour Demonstration Forest, Fromme Mountain and Seymour Mountain.
Each camp meets at a specified location. This location may be different throughout the week. The schedule of drop off and pick up locations is outlined in the website description and in the confirmation and reminder emails you receive once registered.
What do we do on the first day of camp?On the first day of the camp we ask you to arrive 15 minutes early. Please complete your waiver online, prior to arrival. Our staff will assist with the check in. Your child will have a personalized name plate attached to their bike. Coaches will direct you to the proper area for your child’s camp. Coaches perform a bike and helmet check and provide some additional details regarding bike camp.
The first part of the day is spent playing bike related games which help divide the children into skill groups. Once in groups, we introduce basic skills, review road safety and challenge them with riding the ramp, bridge and teeter totter. Then the groups ride to the trails in the Seymour Demonstration Forest or Fromme Mountain to continue to build their skill set.
Our goal is to keep the groups cohesive and the riders challenged, while building their confidence.
What to wear?Your rider will be shredding in all weather, so please dress accordingly.
Clothing Suggestions:
- Layers – synthetic or wool versus cotton. Once cotton is wet, from the rain or sweat, it is cold.
- A fleece layer for warmth.
- Waterproof outer layer – jacket and pants
- Shorts (or shorts with tights/long underwear under for cooler weather)
- Wool sock, especially when it is wet
- running shoes or boots in the rain
- Gloves/mitts – pack extra in a sealed plastic bag
- Toque x2 – one to wear under a helmet ; the other to wear at break
- warm jacket rolled up small – this is in your pack and can be used at breaks
- backpack to fit all the extras
What to bring?- The Obvious: Bike and Helmet
- The Not So Obvious: Water, lunch (no nuts), spare tube (mandatory), all in a backpack, to be carried by the rider
Do you offer Before and After Camp Care? Not in 2022Before and After Camp Care will not be offered in 2022.
Before and After Camp Care is offered for all ages.
Before/After camp care is offered from 830-430, Monday-Friday, for the months of July and August.
Before/After camp care costs 25$/hr and 20$/hr for each additional sibling.
Drop off and Pickup
@Upper Lynn Elementary-1540 Coleman St, North Vancouver BC
To Arrange: Call the Escape Team at 604 307 BIKE (2453) or send an email to info@escapeadventures.ca
If care is no longer needed, please contact the Escape Team at least one week in advance for full refund.
Do you offer Private Lessons?Private Lessons are offered for those that want to improve their riding or want more trail riding experience.
Please view the link attached for more information
Do you offer adult bike lessons?Adult bike lessons are called R Rated Rippers, as they are for those 19 years and older.
They are available in the spring and fall and run for 4 sessions, each 2 hours.
The April, May and June sessions are either…
- Tuesday evening,
- April/May – 5:30-7:30pm, due to available light The Sept/Oct sessions are…
- June – 6-8pm
- Saturdays, 9:30-11:30am or 1:30-3:30pm Saturdays, 9:30-11:30am or 1:30-3:30pm
R Rated Rippers is for beginner and intermediate riders.
The trails ridden are more gentle. The object is to practice the skills being taught on easy terrain, then each rider can take their new skills to terrain that is more suited to their riding style.
Day 1 is spent on a flat, gravel surface. As the sessions progress, the terrain becomes a little more technical each week.
For more details – R Rated Rippers
Any questions, just ask!
604 307 BIKE(2453)
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What happens if COVID-19 regulations prevent bike camps from running?