Registration OPEN!

Run Bike Shredders – Fall/Midweek

Due to COVID-19, and the need for physical distancing, this is unavailable for 2021.


Riding, games and smiles – Let’s Shred!!

Run Bike Shredders is once a week for 6 weeks.  We learn about balance, steering, starting and stopping all while playing bike games and meeting fellow riders.

2-5 yrs.

If my child is the required age for the camp, later in the year, can they still be registered?


As long as your child is the required age within the calendar year, you can register them for the camp.

Program information


Fridays, September 17/24; October 1/8/15/22, 2021




6 weeks/ once per week – $140 +GST

* Full refunds will be issued if camps are cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations.*



Likes to be outside on their two wheels!!

What to Bring

The obvious: run bike and helmet and the not so obvious, but sooooo important – water


Your rider will be shredding in all weather, please dress accordingly

Drop Off & Pick Up Schedule

9:30am and 10:15am – Kilmer Park –  1700 Dempsey Rd, North Vancouver

Located just West of Dempsey Rd and Lynn Valley Rd